cover image: Atlantic Council - DO COUNTRIES NEED FREEDOM TO ACHIEVE PROSPERITY? - Introducing the Atlantic Council


Atlantic Council - DO COUNTRIES NEED FREEDOM TO ACHIEVE PROSPERITY? - Introducing the Atlantic Council

26 May 2022

We argue that a truly prosperous country The Freedom Index measures economic, political, and legal should also score well on the quality of the environment, freedom for nearly every country in the world, using the lat- its treatment of minorities, and the general happiness of est available data when the index was constructed at the end the population. [...] The methodology to produce the indexes is straight- The Freedom Index measures economic, political, and legal forward and transparent, and is described in detail in an freedom for nearly every country in the world. [...] EASTERN EUROPE As our next test, we look to the divergent paths of countries’ We also analyzed the countries with the biggest score political and economic transitions after the end of the Cold changes in the Freedom Index between 2006 and 2021. [...] The private sector in developed countries should work The aim of the work of the Freedom and Prosperity Center through bilateral chambers of commerce to make the point is to improve the standard of living of the poorest and mar- that the three freedoms are a demonstrated way for develop- ginalized. [...] TRADE FREEDOM Credendo Group, the Fraser Institute, Freedom House, The Trade Freedom indicator measures a wide variety of the Fund for Peace, the Heritage Foundation, the National trade restrictions: tariffs, quotas, hidden administrative Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Transparency restraints, and controls on exchange rates and the movement International, the United Nations, the V-De.
Published in
United States of America