cover image: GUATEMALA: IPC Acute Food Insecurity Snapshot | - March 2022 - February 2023 3.9M


GUATEMALA: IPC Acute Food Insecurity Snapshot | - March 2022 - February 2023 3.9M

6 Jun 2022

This has led to an increase in the prices of food and raw materials 2 - Stressed2 - Stressed 2 - Stressed and reduced sources of employment, so that many households 3 - Crisis3 - Crisis have been forced to use crisis and emergency coping strategies to 3 - Crisis4 - Emergency4 - Emergency solve their food gaps, such as the sale of assets and the use of their 4 - Emergency5 - Famine 3.2M savings. [...] According to the Food Security Survey (FSS) of the World 5 - Famine 5 - Famine 2%Areas with inadequate evidence Food Program (WFP), 28% of the population reports limited and poor Areas with inadequate evidence Areas with inadequate evidence 20%Areas not analysed Over 3.2 million people (19% of the analyzed food consumption; likewise, regarding the use of livelihood coping Areas not analysed Areas. [...] Between October 2022 and February 2023, an increase Key for the Map 1 - None of caloric needs through assistance4 - Emergency > 25% of households meet > 50% Population Crisis in employment sources derived from coffee and sugarcane crops is IPC Acute Food Insecurity Phase Classification > 25% of households meet > 50% analyzed 2% 2 - Stressed 5 - Coaft castrophe o>f 2c5a%lo roicf hnoeuesdesh tohlrdo. [...] 100% None Emergency 41% from 3.5% in March last year to 6.4% in the same month of 2022), which Loss of jobs and income 80% Stressed Catastrophe would be affecting access to food consumption mainly for the population Crisis that depends on the purchase of food, and who already report limitations The loss of jobs and decrease in income, which has intensified internal and external migration of access. [...] The flexibility of measures and the possible appearance of new variants Nov 2020 - May - Aug Sept 2021 - Mar - May Jun - Sept Oct 2022 - that prices are expected to remain high, with the consequent risk to could provoke outbreaks and/or an increase in cases for the entire period of analysis, which Mar 2021 2021 Jan 2022 2022 2022 Feb 2023 agricultural crop yields.
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