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SIPRI Yearbook 2022 Summary

9 Jun 2022

ARMED CONFLICT AND Persistent tensions between Russia PEACE PROCESSES IN EUROPE and the rest of Europe Two armed conflicts were active in Europe The Ukraine conflict was the focal point for in 2021: the interstate border conflict persistent tensions between Russia and the between Armenia and Azerbaijan for rest of Europe over several issues, including control of Nagorno Karabakh, and the cyberatta. [...] Security dilemmas in sub increase in conflict related fatalities com Saharan Africa in 2021 were also shaped by pared with 2020, due largely to the high the presence of armed groups and criminal number of conflicts between farmers and networks, election related violence, and herders in central areas of the country, a water insecurity and the growing impact of sharp rise in banditry in the north . [...] INTERNATIONAL ARMS accounted for 99 per cent of the total TRANSFERS volume of exports, and the 5 largest suppliers in the period—the United States, The volume of international transfers of Russia, France, China and Germany— major arms in the five year period 2017–21 accounted for 77 per cent of the total was 4.6 per cent lower than in 2012–16 and volume of exports. [...] Despite the stated intent While Russia and the USA agreed to of both the USA and Iran to restore the discuss future arms control options as part JCPOA, the parties failed to reach an agree of that dialogue, the bipartisan view in the ment in the seven rounds of negoti ations USA is that, for nuclear arms control to be that were held in 2021. [...] The MTCR held annual plenary meetings, and EU and the USA deepened their cooper the pandemic continued to limit decision ation on export control issues in 2021, but making and discussion of political and underlying differences both within the EU technical topics, although small amend and between the EU and the USA may limit ments were made to the control lists of the the impact of these efforts..



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