cover image: After Access - Business


After Access - Business

31 May 2022

reason_distance (required) What is the reason for the large distance between your and the household's original location? 1 Bad GPS accuracy 2 Original location is no longer accessible 97 Other -1 Don't know reason_distanceother (required) What is the reason for the large distance between your and the household's original location? (Other) available (required) Is the owner or manager of the busines. [...] street vendor) -2 Refused -1 Don't know g_business > Taxes g_business > Taxes > g_tax_1 registered_local (required) Is the business registered with any local authority or municipality? 0 No 1 Yes -1 Don't know -2 Refused registered_tax (required) Is this business registered with SARS? 0 No 1 Yes -1 Don't know -2 Refused registered_vat (required) Is the business registered for VAT? 0 No 1 Yes -1 Do. [...] g_business > Mobile Phone and Mobile Internet Use g_business > Mobile Phone and Mobile Internet Use > g_mobile_2 mobile_type (required) What type of phone is the most advanced mobile phone used by the business? 1 Basic phone 2 Feature phone 3 Smartphone -2 Refused -1 Don't know mobile_brand (required) What is the brand of the most advanced mobile phone used by the business? 1 Huawei 2 Appel iPhone. [...] bank_credit (required) Does the business have a corporate/business credit card? 0 No 1 Yes -1 Don't know -2 Refused bank_loan (required) Does the business have or did it ever have a business loan from a bank? 0 No 1 Yes -1 Don't know -2 Refused bank_rejected (required) Was the business ever rejected for a business loan from a bank? 0 No 1 Yes -1 Don't know -2 Refused bank_accept (required) Did you. [...] easier to install, to navigate, voice- activated, in my local language dialect) 6 Making it easier to connect with my suppliers or customers 97 Other -1 Don't know -2 Refuse tools_online_freq (required) What would it take for the business to start using the internet for sales? 1 Lower cost of smartphone or computer 2 Lower cost of data plan or fees for using software 3 Demonstration of the benefit.
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South Africa