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C:\Users\Omsai\Desktop\NEWS 15

16 Jun 2022

In the early days of my career, I was a War that serious thinking about nuclear weapons Russian-speaking “Sovietologist” working in think would be stashed away, in the words of a NATO tanks and with government agencies to pry open nuclear planner some years ago, like “the crazy the black box of the Kremlin’s strategy and aunt in the attic.” But the end of the Cold War did intentions. [...] In the 1980s, the Jervis amplified the point, noting that in Europe and its other political scientist and “a rational strategy for the allies scattered around the nuclear-deterrence scholar employment of nuclear weapons is a world? With Germany a Robert Jervis amplified the contradiction in terms. [...] With so many nuclear weapons in play, and with chaos and panic In the early 1970s, the United States proposed that enveloping national leaders, one side or the other both sides turn the fact into a defined policy: The might fear a larger attack superpowers would and give in to the The fall of the Soviet Union changed recognize that they had temptation to launch a many things, but in nuclear matter. [...] nuclear arsenal exists solely to nuclear weapons if faced reliance on nuclear deter the use of enemy nuclear with a regime-threatening deterrence risks defeat on the battlefield.weapons, then it is time to say so and escalation and nuclear war seems outdated to spell out the consequences. [...] To be clear, Russian strategy still The Bad ‘Ol Days: Where Russia’s Nuclear allows for nuclear use in a wide variety of Strategy Goes after Ukraine circumstances, including if a conventional war The war in Ukraine could produce a more threatens “the very existence of the state.” aggressive Russian nuclear strategy than the one However, compared to the nuclear strategy it it had prior to the confl.



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