IMIS partners in a new Horizon Europe project on irregular migration set to start in October 2022 lead by the University for Continuing Education - Danube University Krems (UWK) The project Measuring irregular migration and related policies (MIrreM) examines estimates and statistical indicators on the irregular migrant population in Europe as well as related policies, including the regularisation. [...] Led by Albert Kraler at the Department for Migration and Globalisation, the 17-partners-consortium has developed the MIrreM project in response to a call under the European Commissions’ Horizon Europe Programme, building on the broad expertise assembled in the consortium and as well as past projects some partners were involved in, such as CLANDESTINO (2007-2009) the first-ever research project on. [...] A core aim of the project is to address the uncertainty and contested nature of evidence on irregular migration by fostering a shared understanding of basic features of and policy options in regard to the phenomenon. [...] MIrreM will analyse policies defining irregularity, stakeholders’ data needs and usage, and assess existing estimates and statistical indicators on irregular migration in the countries under study and on the EU level. [...] Together with expert groups to be set up on irregular migration data and regularisation, respectively, the project will synthesize findings into a Handbook on data on irregular migration and a Handbook on regularisation that will support evidenced-based and targeted policymaking concerning irregular migration.
- Pages
- 2
- Published in
- Germany