cover image: Decarbonising Buildings - Achieving zero carbon heating and cooling - March 2022


Decarbonising Buildings - Achieving zero carbon heating and cooling - March 2022

9 Mar 2022

The policy package consists of energy conservation targets set in a top-down approach, minimum energy performance regulations, voluntary building energy standards for “green” buildings, mandates for the installation of renewable energy systems in buildings, a governance mechanism to monitor and evaluate energy performance of buildings, and policy targets and incentives to increase the rate of ener. [...] 119 Climate Action Tracker Decarbonising Buildings: Achieving zero carbon heating and cooling xii Terms used in this report Building envelope The building envelope is the physical separation between the conditioned indoor and unconditioned outdoor environment of a building and consists of the floor, walls, including doors and windows, and the roof. [...] For example, the use of shading to reduce the warming effects of sunlight, through the orientation of the building to catch sunlight during different times of the day, or construction to optimise air flow through the building. [...] We examine some of the remaining technology-related questions for the sector, such as the potential roles of hydrogen and district heating and cooling, and use case studies to explore what it would take to scale-up the use of heat-pumps. [...] Initiative/Cont ruye 2020 Key lessons: The status quo analyses and national roadmaps approach designed and implemented by the EU has shown to be an effective way to kickstart the creation and development of educational institutions tasked with increasing the number of skilled workers needed to facilitate the zero carbon transformation of the buildings sector.


Climate Action Tracker

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