cover image: No. 127 - May 2022 caucasus analytical digest - AMBITIOUS AGENDA—LIMITED SUBSTANCE? CRITICAL


No. 127 - May 2022 caucasus analytical digest - AMBITIOUS AGENDA—LIMITED SUBSTANCE? CRITICAL

4 Jul 2022

While the mentioned EU support in the judicial sector The assistance that the EU provided to the Armen- is ongoing as of May 2022, the EU’s outspokenness and ian government was mostly limited to technicalities of commitment in terms of TJ support in Armenia has sig- judicial reforms. [...] • European Commission (2017) Joint Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Armenia, of the other part. [...] • Government of the Republic of Armenia (2019a) ‘On approving the 2019–2023 Strategy for Judicial and Legal Reforms of the Republic of Armenia and the Action Plans Driving the Reform’. [...] The goal of the study is to give insights into the current language situation seen from the native speakers’ viewpoint and to testify as to whether language attitude and knowledge can benefit the resilience of minorities in the majority community. [...] The Sociolinguistic Situation of Azerbaijanis, There are several reasons for the lack of widespread acqui- Armenians and Chechens in Georgia sition of the Georgian language among these groups, Of the three South Caucasian countries, Georgia is among others lack of funding and of qualified teachers the most heterogenous in terms of ethnic groups and and suitable teaching materials, but other reason.
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