cover image: the - ,Ia it , pl",f".* ]". ,o in i".t'nlqut'


the - ,Ia it , pl",f".* ]". ,o in i".t'nlqut'

21 Jul 2022

6.3 ln the event of the death, injury or illness of the offtcer appoified on contrad which is attributabl€ to the pedormance of services ori behelf of NlTl Aayog under the terms of the contract while the officer is traveling it l{lTl Aayog expense or is perfonning any servhes und€r the Contracl in any of the offlces or premires of HITI Aayog or Government of lndir, the officer or the officer,s dep. [...] The p.fiy of the flrst p6rt shall submit himself to the orders ol the Gsvernment and of the oficers and authorities under whom he may from time to time b,e placed by the Governrnent and shall remain in the service subject to the provisions herein contained. [...] 4' The service otth€ party of the first part may be terminated by gviog one calendar rnonth notice in writing any time during the terms of the appoi*tment under this agreement ehher by the party of the first part to the €overnrnent or by the Government or its authorized officer to the party of the first part whhout assigning any reasons whatsoeyer, 5, nemunerati0n: The party of the first part shal. [...] 6' If the party of the first part is requirad to travel in the interest of the public service, he shall be entitled to traveling alrowance on the scare provided for in the rures supprementary to the Fundamental nrles framed by the Government from timo to time in force and appricabre to the officers of his class. [...] 7' ln the event ofthe death, iniury or illness ofthe oflieer appointed on contract which is attributabl€ to the performance of services an behall of NlTt Aayog undrr the terms of the co.tract \irhile the officer is traveling at t{lTl Aayo8 expense or is performing any services under the Contract in any ot the offices or premixs of Nrfl Aayog or Government of tndia, the o*tcer orthe offi.ers depend.
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