destruction* (Schumpeter, 1943), which will offer of risk and opportunity for each industry and unprecedented opportunities and challenges: offer a richer understanding of the ways in which *Green economy influencing existing industries, encouraging the industries and regions are influenced in the context A green economy is an economy in development and expansion of new industries and of the net-z. [...] Announcements made in While actions to create a net-zero economy imply the 2020 Budget recognise the importance of the long-term radical changes to the broader systems in — Assess the impact of the green transformation climate crisis and set out actions to reduce carbon which we live and operate, the forceful, immediate on the labour market. [...] In this respect, identifying the share of employment in each of the four industry categories will help to identify the sectors that are likely to face the largest challenges and opportunities in the wake of climate-crisis mitigation policies. [...] Therefore, the government London (with more than 20 per cent of jobs in the in the rest of the UK, due to the large agricultural should make a broader assessment of potential green sector) decoupling from the rest of the UK. [...] 31 Level of environmental activity Low High Going Green Reskilling and upskilling to prepare workers for the green economy In addition, the majority of employees in the brown for the expected size of the upcoming industrial sector were men, unlike the green sector: 74 per transformation through upskilling and reskilling.
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