cover image: P olicy  Paper Deepening British-Ukrainian relations  in  a m ore


P olicy Paper Deepening British-Ukrainian relations in a m ore

20 Jul 2022

● To deepen relations in the y ears ahead, the g overnments o f Britain and Ukraine s hould pursue the following options: ○ Diplomatic options: ■ Build o n the PFTSPA b y holding a nnual Strategic Dialogues, while extending cooperation to biannual 2+2 ministerial m eetings, involving the British a nd Ukrainian foreign and d efence secretaries and m inisters; ■ Move f orward with the trilateral a g. [...] The Budapest Memorandum was drafted partly in r esponse t o an urgent request from the Ukrainian Government t o the British Embassy for a d ocument t o undergird U krainian territorial sovereignty in response to c alls in 1994 from the then ‘President of C rimea’ – a p osition a bolished by t he U krainian Parliament in 1995 – for the transfer of Crimea to Russia. [...] With the signing o f a Memorandum o f Implementation between t he British and U krainian ministries o f defence a nd Babcock, an instrument was e stablished f or the delivery of Brimstone anti-ship missiles, two Sandown c lass minehunter v essels, and eight guided-missile craft t o the Ukrainian N avy, the construction o f two new naval bases, a nd the t raining of additional U krainian naval pers. [...] Although Britain and Ukraine sit at the opposite ends of Europe, have dierent levels o f economic d evelopment, a nd dierent perceptions o f the utility of the EU, the two c ountries share – a s Box 4 shows – a number of national interests, even if their degree o f prioritisation is not entirely the same. [...] Britain, a n insular state on a n archipelago with two territories in o ther parts of E urope, a nd Ukraine, a l arge country to the north of t he Black S ea, b oth have interests i n preventing the ‘ continentalisation’ of the sea.
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United Kingdom