cover image: Cameroon



11 Jul 2022

aligning it with the new National Development Strategy) Advocacy and communications framework/plan S O.2 Develop and align shared country priorities for action The existing draft needs to be aligned with the approaches in the National N4G commitments have been determined for the next 10 Development Strategy 2020–2030 and the Nutrition for Growth (N4G) years and a road map is in development. [...] youth, parliamentarian, media with $1.3 million allocated to the Special Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance for three years, in conjunction Finance for nutrition with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Resource mobilization strategy exists Nations. [...] The next stage will involve developing modules and outlining and proposing training to the COUNTRY PRIORITIES 2022 Ministry of Public Services and Administration Reform via Finalizing the Multisectoral Framework for Nutrition and the budgeted the Ministry of Higher Education. [...] the Fill the Nutrient Gap analysis have been integrated into sectoral plans and the SUN Civil Society Alliance strategy Creating multisectoral platforms in the regions and communes. [...] leadership and responsibilities of government, aligns the resources of all SUN Movement stakeholders behind country priorities and strengthens 360 mutual 2021 SHARED COUNTRY GOOD PRACTICE accountability The General Secretariat of the Prime Minister’s Office Topic: Monitoring and evaluation for nutrition coordinates the Interministerial Committee to Combat Title: Monitoring nutrition data and progr.
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