cover image: Mozambique



11 Jul 2022

Leonor Monjane COUNTRY NUTRITION STATUS PROGRESS TOWARDS Annual country nutrition indicators SUN 3.0 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (SO) from the Global Nutrition Report: SO.1 Strengthen and sustain strong policy and advocacy environments eastern-africa/mozambique The Food Security and Nutrition Strategy and Policy have been completed wi. [...] The integration Advocacy and communications framework/plan of food security and nutrition programmes in the new government structure for planning and budgeting and the completion of a SUN networks in-country presence feasibility study resulted in innovative financing mechanisms for SUN Civil Society Network nutrition programmes. [...] youth, parliamentarian, media Youth nutrition network, established in 2021, coordinated by the Movimento pela Cidadania [Citizenship Movement] SO.3 Build and strengthen country capacity National and subnational government managers and technicians Finance for nutrition in the Technical Secretariat for Food Security and Nutrition Resource mobilization strategy exists (SETSAN) and other government se. [...] leadership and responsibilities of government, aligns the Approving and implementing the Food Security and Nutrition Policy resources of all SUN Movement stakeholders behind country and Strategy. [...] The launch of the national SUN Youth Network and the participation of the SUN government focal point contributes to the overall governance of nutrition in the country.
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