Musonda Mofu, Acting Executive Director COUNTRY NUTRITION STATUS PROGRESS TOWARDS Annual country nutrition indicators SUN 3.0 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (SO) from the Global Nutrition Report: SO.1 Strengthen and sustain strong policy and advocacy environments eastern-africa/zambia The signing of the Food and Nutrition Act (Commenceme. [...] Food and National Food and Nutrition Sector Strategic Plan 2017–2021 (soft nutrition issues have been incorporated into the draft Eighth copy available) National Development Plan, as well as in other sectors’ policies and strategies, such as the National Health Strategic Plan, National Subnational nutrition coordination mechanism Agriculture Policy and Social Protection Policy. [...] The Subnational MSPs have annual action plans development of the new advocacy strategy is ongoing with the support of nutrition cooperating partners. [...] Continuing with the roll out of the second phase of the First 1000 Most Critical Days Programme (MCDP II) to ensure the S O.4 Ensure governance of SUN that promotes country implementation of nutrition-specific and -sensitive interventions in leadership and responsibilities of government, aligns the at least 60 districts. [...] The function of the MSP is to oversee the implementation of SUN initiatives in the country and ensure alignment of the national Continuing with the roll out/scale-up of the healthy diet campaign development framework, sector policies and strategies, including and the Good Food Logo.
- Pages
- 1
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- Italy