Policy  Paper  - Critical  minerals:  Towards  a  British


Policy Paper  - Critical minerals:  Towards a British

25 Nov 2021

E SPPP01  November 2021                      Critical minerals:  Towards a British  strategy        By William Y oung  Jack Richardson          New geostrategic thinking for a more competitive age                                              [This page i s deliberately l eft blank.]                    Contents      Foreword 1  Executiv. [...] Finally, HM Government  ought to develop, i terate and a lign t hese and the resulting  industry and policy recommendations to b uild i ndustry  confidence in i ts own ability to become self-sucient.          4          1.0 Introduction      There is no s hortage of resources worldwide, and t here are  sizeable o pportunities f or those w ho c an produce minerals i n a  sustainable and r esponsibl. [...] Finally, via detailed a ppendices, the paper  summarises key materials as well a s the a pproaches being t aken by  other countries and trade blocs.        7          2.0 The UK’s ocial p osition      Since 2010, t he B ritish policymaking community h as b een aware of the  potential risks inherent in the PRC’s n ear dominance of rare earths  mining and refining. [...] He studied P olitics at t he  University of Exeter and is e mbarking upon a M asters degree i n  International Political Economy at K ing’s C ollege, London.                32          Acknowledgments      The authors would like to thank S am Hall, D irector of the Conservative  Environmental Network (CEN), a nd Kwasi A mpofo, H ead o f Metals a nd  Mining at B loombergNEF, f or feedback o n previ. [...] All responsibility for the  contents of t his p aper including o missions and inaccuracies l ie with the  authors.    The Council on Geostrategy is grateful t o the C onservative Environment  Network (CEN), whose funding has made this study possible.          33          About the Council on G eostrategy      The Council on Geostrategy is an independent non-profit organisation  situated in the hea.
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