UK housing: Fit for the future? - Committee on Climate Change - February 2019


UK housing: Fit for the future? - Committee on Climate Change - February 2019

13 Feb 2019

He is also the Editor of the journal, Water Resources Research, an advisor to the World Bank on water security, a member of the Public Voice Committee of the Institution of Civil Engineers, and a member of the National Infrastructure Commission’s Expert Advisory Group. [...] Her other roles include: Economics Lead of the Valuing Nature Programme, the Convener of the British Standards Institute’s Committee on Assessing and Valuing Natural Capital, a Member of the Natural Capital Initiative steering group, and the Associate Editor of the Journal for Environmental Economics and Policy. [...] These feed into a wide array of current work the UK Government and devolved administrations are planning for 2019, including: the reviews of Part L and Part F of the Building Regulations, an update of the planning practice guidance in England, development of a roadmap for policy on heat decarbonisation, review of a per capita water consumption target in England and the Government’s commitment to h. [...] The way homes are designed and lived in affects both the level of greenhouse gas emissions from the buildings sector, and how exposed people are to the impacts of a changing climate such as hot weather and flooding. [...] Energy efficiency of the UK housing stock - SAP scores and EPC ratings The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP), is the methodology used by the Government to assess and compare the energy and environmental performance of dwellings.


Westlake, Steve (CCC)

Published in
United Kingdom