cover image: Botswana



11 Jul 2022

The Government Subnational MSPs have annual action plans acknowledges that effective governance and relevant policies can accelerate the transformation of food and agricultural systems while National nutrition plan sustainably reducing hunger, malnutrition and poverty. [...] Advocacy and communications framework/plan SO.2 Develop and align shared country priorities for action SUN networks in-country presence Despite having made little progress in malnutrition-related SUN Civil Society Network multisectoral interventions and coordination, plans are under way SUN Business Network to form or strengthen partnerships between the Government and UN Nutrition relevant stakeho. [...] The following strategies should therefore be implemented to build and strengthen country capacity: the provision of evidence-based knowledge on the role, constraints COUNTRY PRIORITIES 2022 and mechanisms of capacity-building in food security and nutrition; the design and implementation of context-specific capacity- Improving access to safe and nutritious food, including addressing building activi. [...] environment (policies and programmes), alongside collaboration Improving maternal nutrition, reducing overweight, obesity and with relevant stakeholders to increase the impact of such policies non-communicable diseases and improving food quality and safety. [...] The Government plans to implement sustainable and multisectoral manner, which is evident context-specific multisectoral and multi-stakeholder subnational through its recognition of the role and responsibility of all and national strategic frameworks to prioritize nutrition on the relevant sectors in improving nutrition and its integration of development agenda and build capacity (e.g.
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