

8 Sep 2022

page 04 The designations of geographical entities in this publication, and the presentation of the material, Glossary / Abbreviations list do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of TRAFFIC or its supporting List of tables organisations concerning the legal status of any List of figures country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, page 06 or concerning the delimita. [...] Using the best available statistics and market Analysis shows there is still potential for price ROSEWOOD IS A GENERAL surveys from 2010–2019, the research for increases in the medium and higher levels of DESIGNATION OF A SPECIFIC GROUP OF this report examined the trade in rosewood the rosewood market in the next couple of species, with a focus on 12 Dalbergia species years; demand remains high, a. [...] and other rosewood In terms of international efforts to improve is presented in the pages that follow, with species composition in the main timber species in China include locations which management of the rosewood trade, the 17th additional details available in Annexes 1 and 2. [...] were listed in Appendix challenges and issues related to implementing the most popular Dalbergia species in the process all sorts of timber, not just rosewood, II—whereby trade in listed specimens of the CITES provisions in China and the need for • Chinese market based on the best whereas second-tier retail trade markets and species requires a CITES export permit issued any revision of China’s dom. [...] This reinforces Standard (52%), was slightly higher than the popularity of the species and governance in powerful law enforcement action or influence the imperative to ensure the trade in Hongmu CITES-listed species (48%) and this appears range countries (for example, the high-priced on domestic timber public procurement species and their substitutes is developed in typical of other markets in Chi.
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