cover image: Krill, Baby, Krill - The corporations profiting from plundering Antarctica


Krill, Baby, Krill - The corporations profiting from plundering Antarctica

13 Sep 2022

The 2022 IPCC report34 warned about the sustainability of krill harvesting and viability of supply chains drastically slowed the development of krill as a food product.19 in the face of climate change. The report states that biodiversity changes, warming and acidification, compounded by fishing (see section 2 of the report), may decrease the availability of krill in the future, and advises produce. [...] 20 | the dangers of antarctic kriLL harvesting, particuLarLy in the context of cLimate change the dangers of antarctic kriLL harvesting, particuLarLy in the context of cLimate change | 21 Krill, baby, krill: the corporations profiting from plundering Antartica Krill, baby, krill: the corporations profiting from plundering Antartica lift the price for its aquafeed and pet feed on the back of higher. [...] How the industry legitimised the existence of krill products The most significant development in the krill fishery since the demise of the Soviet Union was Norwegian com- panies’ entry into the fishery in 2009. [...] Norwegian companies are now the dominant force in the industry, and have truly reshaped the market for krill products.113 Much of the global production of krill meal is used in the aquaculture industry and, while the production of krill meal is much higher than that of krill oil, the value of krill meal is significantly lower. [...] The 620,000 was based on historical catches in Area 48 and represents the sum of the maximum catch taken MSC’s certification of Antarctic krill dates back to 2010, has since been renewed twice and has been the subject of from each of the subareas over the history of the fishery.
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