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Fair Share Transportation Planning - 11 September 2022 Summary

11 Sep 2022

Types of Non-Auto Travel Demands Travel demand refers to the amount and type of travel that people would choose at a given quality and price. [...] Non-auto transport options can include walking and bicycling (together called active or non-motorized transport) and their variants such as wheelchairs and e-bikes, public transit, taxi/ridehailing, and mobility substitutes such as telework (use of telecommunications to substitute for physical travel) and delivery services. [...] Recommendations This analysis indicates that governments should invest at least the portion of total transportation infrastructure resources on non-auto modes as their potential mode shares, after all improvements are implemented, and often more to correct for a century of underinvestment, and to achieve strategic goals such as social equity, public health and environmental protection. [...] 13 Optimal Non-Auto Mode Share Optimal Portion of Transportation Funding Fair Share Transportation Planning: Estimating Non-Auto Travel Demands and Optimal Infrastructure Investments Victoria Transport Policy Institute Conclusions To be efficient and equitable, transportation planning must consider non-auto travel demands, so non- drivers can receive their fair share of investments and benefits. [...] If planning recognizes non-auto travel demands and the benefits of serving those demands, and so invests significant resources in non-auto modes, their use usually increases significantly, providing savings and benefits to travellers and communities.


Todd Litman

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