2023 European Learning & Teaching Forum Connecting people, spaces and realities


2023 European Learning & Teaching Forum Connecting people, spaces and realities

16 Sep 2022

A paper proposal should: - identify the author(s), and, in the case of co-authored papers, indicate who will be responsible for presenting the paper at the Forum; - include the authors’ short biographies (up to 150 words each); - consist of a fully written paper of a maximum of 3000 words (excluding references1); - be accompanied by an abstract of a maximum of 150 words and up to five key words; -. [...] 2 www.eua.eu The papers will be assessed by members of the EUA Learning & Teaching Steering Committee on the basis of the following criteria: - the paper meets the quality standards of research publication practice; - the paper matches the Forum theme; - the paper has a clear focus that will be of interest to the participants; -. [...] Proposals will be assessed by members of the EUA Learning & Teaching Steering Committee on the basis of the following criteria: - the topic and objectives of the session are clear and relevant to the Forum theme and audience; - the topic looks at transferability beyond the original context; - the level and type of participant activity aim to sustain lively engagement with the audience in a hands-o. [...] The proposal should: - identify the author(s), and, in the case of a co-authored proposal, indicate who will be responsible for presenting it at the Forum; - include the authors’ short biographies (up to 150 words each); - be clearly and concisely written, and a maximum of 800 words; - aim to present a particular practice or approach, including an explanation of why the presented topic is consider. [...] The proposals will be assessed by members of the EUA Learning & Teaching Steering Committee on the basis of the following criteria: - the proposal matches the Forum theme; - the proposal is coherent, understandable and comprehensive enough to provide a clear picture of the practice suggested for presentation; - the proposal presents a practice deemed relevant for the Forum participants and lessons.


Helene Peterbauer

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