We are sharing these resources because we believe that collaborative work across the not-for-profit sector is the best way to maximise positive outcomes for people accessing


We are sharing these resources because we believe that collaborative work across the not-for-profit sector is the best way to maximise positive outcomes for people accessing

13 Sep 2022

Youthbeat ensures that the needs and unique experiences of young people who are ‘harder to reach’ or do not wish to engage with the service system are understood by diverse community stakeholders (including services and community organisations, local businesses, schools, and police); and that young people’s needs and service gaps are addressed as part of a systems response. [...] 2.2 Strategic alignment The Youthbeat model is predicated upon: (i) working with young people early to ensure they are ultimately provided with the options and pathways to support them to thrive; and (ii) developing and sustaining strong partnerships that collaboratively ensure that the community can respond to young people’s needs. [...] additional service needs.” • Research supports that young people should be included in the design Barry, Ensign and of youth-targeted services.15 As the needs of young people change Lippek, 2002 across location and time, regular engagement with young people in program reviews and design ensures that the service continues to meet their needs and is not based on models directly replicated from other. [...] Youthbeat is a responsive ✓ We gather input and feedback from young people to ensure that program that adapts to the we continue to deliver a program to address their needs and changing needs and input of challenges. [...] In the context of Youthbeat, the aims of these partnerships are to: • Map and better understand the current services and service gaps for young people in the local community • Strengthen pathways under which Youthbeat refers young people to services • Improve young people’s experience of the local service system and their community • Consider opportunities for collaborative youth outreach • Jointl.
service design


Pamela Sadler

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