Accessibility of Agricultural Land Records in India  Policy Brief No. 3 | 2022 | Authors: Aswani Kumar Munnangi, Somnath Sen,


Accessibility of Agricultural Land Records in India Policy Brief No. 3 | 2022 | Authors: Aswani Kumar Munnangi, Somnath Sen,

16 Sep 2022

The Context As in the other sectors, in land The Government of India records management, paper-based launched the National Land Records records were the norm until the advent Modernization Programme (NLRMP) of the Information Technology in 2008 by unifying the revolution in the 1990s. [...] Number of attempts to access equal importance for reasons of the content for RoR, CM, and CR simplicity, that is, contributing 25 (5makrs) points for a total of 100 for the The number of attempts to Accessibility Index, with the score access the content of RoRs, CMs, and ranging from zero to 100. [...] Figure 2 presents the scores scores on website design and of comprehensive information across navigation across the States/UTs of the States/UTs of India (for the scores India (for the scores of proxy indicators of proxy indicators of comprehensive Figure 2: Scores of Website Design Figure 3: Scores of Comprehensive and Navigation of all States/UTs Information of all States/UTs September 2022 9 of. [...] launched in 2020 to assess the status of To measure whether digitisation States/UTs on the supply-side aspects and improved quality of land records of the extent of digitisation (a score of go hand in hand with more accessible 60 per cent) and the quality of land land portals and associated services, records (a score of 40 per cent). [...] A strong the supply-side aspects of the extent of positive correlation is observed digitisation and quality of land records between the N-LRSI 2021 scores and since the launch of the first edition.


Avisha Alawadhi

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