Regulations to Respond to the Potential Benefits and Perils of Self-Driving Cars


Regulations to Respond to the Potential Benefits and Perils of Self-Driving Cars

22 Sep 2022

The mobility system in the United States is unsafe, inequitable, and environmentally destructive. Most Americans rely on personally owned, individually occupied, and gas-powered cars—a status quo that leads to tens of thousands of people dying each year in collisions, creates barriers to employment and other opportunities for people of color and people with low incomes, and maintains a resource-intensive transportation system that contributes to climate change and spurs sprawling land uses that destroy ecologies. Autonomous vehicles (AVs)—self-driving cars that can travel along publicly accessible streets some or all of the time without human involvement—could help mitigate these problems, if they are implemented in a thoughtful, well-regulated manner. However, if deployed haphazardly with inadequate oversight and regulation, they could produce even worse inequities than those caused by the current system.
land use transportation metropolitan housing and communities policy center inequality and mobility neighborhoods, cities, and metros qualitative data analysis state and local tax issues federal urban policies land use and zoning


Yonah Freemark, Christina Plerhoples Stacy, Olivia Fiol, Jorge Morales-Burnett

Published in
United States of America

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