Policy Brief - The Territorialization of Cyberspace and GAFAM Geopolitics: Driving Forces and


Policy Brief - The Territorialization of Cyberspace and GAFAM Geopolitics: Driving Forces and

23 Sep 2022

More recently during Covid-19, this role continued to expand as the issue of US Gigatechs crept to the forefront amidst the interplay of infodemic stakes and against a backdrop of GAFAMs’ overwhelming dominance of the information ecosystem. [...] What safeguards are there in the face of organizations capable of connecting 4.6 billion users, over half of the world's inhabitants, yet at the same time dragging a dubious reputation, accused of controlling the very systems through which we communicate, of amplifying hateful content and fake news, and of maintaining the opacity of algorithms at the core of their business models. [...] In the wake of this, the issue of sovereignty in cyberspace touches on a still gaping wound, that of the backwardness of developing countries consigned to mere user/consumer status, but who still hold out in hope of being able to include their voices in multilateral negotiations, provided that changes to the international political and security context do not dictate otherwise. [...] Questioning these issues therefore implies reiterating the major principles that govern the foundations of the Internet, particularly with regard to issues of governance and cyber-sovereignty, and exploring the resolutely institutional and political nature of GAFAMs motivations and decisions. [...] About the Policy Center for the New South The Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) is a Moroccan think tank aiming to contribute to the improvement of economic and social public policies that challenge Morocco and the rest of Africa as integral parts of the global South.
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