cover image: The influence of the Russian invasion in Ukraine on the Georgian Politics


The influence of the Russian invasion in Ukraine on the Georgian Politics

28 Sep 2022

The ruling party’s decision to annul the agreement with the opposition that had been mediated by Until the war, the EU refused to consider the a personal representative of Charles Michel, the perspective of the EU membership for the chairman of the European Council,12 as well as countries of the European Partnership (EaP), the government’s refusal to take the EU subsi- even though the EU associate. [...] To see this, we Against the backdrop of the war, the EU consid- can go back to the country’s scores in different ered the applications of the three countries in an democracy ratings.24 In the 2017 Democracy accelerated way. [...] many parliaments of the world.33 Nevertheless, it was enough for the Georgian 6 The Influence of the Russian Invasion in Ukraine on the Georgian Politics government to accuse the Georgian opposition The “defectors’” statements were rather bizarre of colluding with the Ukrainians to drag Georgia and reminiscent of the Russian propaganda in into a war with Russia.36 Eventually, GD made their wording. [...] General support From the very first days of the Russian invasion for Ukraine in the war does not always preclude of Ukraine, the large majority of the Georgian accepting the GD’s claim to be the guardian of people expressed strong support for Ukraine. [...] In a poll of the Caucasus Regional part of the standard message box of the ruling 8 The Influence of the Russian Invasion in Ukraine on the Georgian Politics party.
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