DISRUPTING HARM IN CAMBODIA - Evidence on online child sexual exploitation and abuse


DISRUPTING HARM IN CAMBODIA - Evidence on online child sexual exploitation and abuse

26 Aug 2022

In addition, the Head of the Royal Government of Cambodia participated in the adoption of the Declaration in the Summit on November 2, 2019, with an aim to call on all ASEAN Member States to use high standards to protect all children in ASEAN from online sexual exploitation and abuse. [...] One of the risks is the misuse of the internet and digital technologies for the purpose of child sexual exploitation and abuse. [...] The concentration of support sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism, services in urban areas, the cost and quality of services such as a number of recorded instances in which and their ability to address the needs of all victims international offenders were prevented from (not just girls) were identified as the key barriers to entering the country. [...] Coverage is Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) defined as the proportion of the total population and from a number of other partner organisations that had a chance of being included in the survey with a view to deepening the understanding sample, meaning that the fieldwork would cover of relevant offences committed in the country, the area where they lived if sampled. [...] offences committed online and/or through the The penalty for this crime (imprisonment from use of a computer system or other digital device.47 six days to three months and a fine of between KHR10,000 and KHR500,000, approximately With respect to the applicability of the provisions the equivalent of between US$2.50 and US$125)45 of law criminalising OCSEA, the Criminal Code does not reflect the gra.
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