How to Disrupt Harm in Malaysia 100 Six key insights and recommendations for actions 101 Acknowledgements 114 Disrupting Harm in Malaysia – Evidence on online child sexual exploitation and abuse 3 MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTRY OF WOMEN, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS AND MULTIMEDIA MALAYSIA The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) and the Min. [...] One of the risks is the misuse of the internet and digital technologies for the purpose of child sexual exploitation and abuse. [...] The senior national duty-bearers were from the following government departments and ministries: the Attorney General ‘s Chambers; the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission; the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development; the Legal Affairs Division, Prime Minister’s Department; the Ministry of Health; the Human Rights Commission; the Department of Social Welfare; the Ministry. [...] The following state and non-state agencies were represented in the interviews: the Court of Children in Kuala Lumpur; Voices of the Children; the Attorney General’s Chamber; Women’s Aid Organisation; Protect and Save the Children; the Legal Aid Department; Royal Malaysia Police and Special Court for Sexual Crimes Against Children. [...] communication relates to an activity that is sexual The definition further includes materials showing in nature; or (b) any reasonable person would the sexual parts of a child for primarily sexual consider any part of the communication to 55 purposes,46 as recommend by the Optional be sexual.” Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and chi.
- Pages
- 116
- Published in
- Thailand