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Democracy and the Rule of Law in the European Union

5 Jul 2021

Democracy and the Rule of Law in the European Union Democracy and the Rule of Law in the European Union # 2021 / 1 An initiative of Belgian version in French and Dutch with the support of the Description The Eurozone crisis has pushed reform of the European Union (EU) to the f orefront of political debate. [...] FIGURE 9 EU27: How satisfied are you with the way democracy works in your country and in the EU? Satisfied Dissatisfied Your Country EU 54 % 46 % EU27 60 % 40 % 54 % 46 % BELGIUM 56 % 44 % 51 % 49 % FRANCE 52 % 48 % 70 % 30 % GERMANY 60 % 40 % 40 % 60 % ITALY 41 % 59 % 74 % 26 % NETHERLANDS 59 % 41 % 35 % 65 % POLAND 70 % 30 % 46 % 54 % SPAIN 67 % 33 % December 2020 Figures 10.1 and 10.2 show sati. [...] Only 25 percent of Vlaams Belang supporters state that they are satisfied with the way democracy works in Belgium, and 32 percent say they are satisfied with the way democracy works 16 DEmOcracy aND tHE ruLE OF LaW iN tHE EurOPEaN uNiON in the EU. [...] FIGURE 16 Spain: How satisfied are you with the way democracy works in your country and in the EU? Satisfied Dissatisfied Your Country EU 55 % 45 % PODEMOS 63 % 37 % 71 29 PARTIDO SOCIALISTA % % OBRERO ESPAÑOL 80 % 20 % 46 % 54 % CIUDADANOS 76 % 24 % 48 % 52 % PARTIDO POPULAR 76 % 24 % 25 % 75 % VOX 52 % 48 % December 2020 20 DEmOcracy aND tHE ruLE OF LaW iN tHE EurOPEaN uNiON Europeans’ trust in. [...] The most trusting are supporters of the Christlich Demokratische Union, with 85 percent expressing trust in the German government and 78 percent 22 DEmOcracy aND tHE ruLE OF LaW iN tHE EurOPEaN uNiON FIGURE 19 France: How much do you trust your national government / the EU to do the right thing in response to COVID-19? High Trust Low Trust Your Country EU 31 % 69 % PARTI COMMUNISTE 34 % 66 % 37 %.
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