cover image: Concern for animals, other farmers, or oneself? Assessing farmers' support for a policy to improve animal welfare

Concern for animals, other farmers, or oneself? Assessing farmers' support for a policy to improve animal welfare

2 Oct 2022

Specifically, we assess the implementation of a sexed semen laboratory (lab) in Ireland to facilitate greater uptake of sexed semen in the Irish dairy industry, which, as mentioned, has the potential to reduce the number of unwanted dairy bull calves. [...] 8“FBD Trust” was established by the shareholders of the FBD Group (an insurance company) to advance the interests of the farming sector in Ireland generally, primarily through the support for research and educational scholarships, for training, development, and the support of groups and organizations that can advocate effectively for Irish farmers. [...] In the ultimatum game, usually around 40%–50% of the endowment is offered to the responder, who has the opportunity to reject the offer (which is in con- trast to the dictator game, where the responder must accept any allocated amount). [...] The SVO measure is similar to the dictator game in the sense that the responder has to accept the offer. [...] The vector of covariates Xi con- sists of farm characteristics expected to be related to the decision of whether or not to contribute to the establishment of the sexed semen lab.

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