Strengthening evidence use during a period of reforms and transitions: Lessons from Uganda


Strengthening evidence use during a period of reforms and transitions: Lessons from Uganda

9 May 2022

This is the programme that is responsible for ensuring the effective implementation of the national development plan and involves several key players including the National Planning Authority, the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, the Office of the President and the Office of the Prime Minister. [...] With the move to the programme approach, our government partners are more than aware of the challenges involved in breaking silos across the system and the time as well as the resources required to implement reforms. [...] Politics and powerful interests affect the generation and use of evidence both in formal and informal ways. [...] Politics within and between institutions also affects the motivation to collaborate in the production and use of evidence. [...] Along with more investments in building the technical aspects of the evidence ecosystem, there is also a cultural shift that is needed for building trust and embedding evidence use and learning within the system.


Sara Davis

Published in
United Kingdom