cover image: PUBLIC POLICY BLOG - Rural-urban migration: - Why do they migrate? P


PUBLIC POLICY BLOG - Rural-urban migration: - Why do they migrate? P

19 Oct 2022

The 32.6 percent and 18.6 percent who urban centres is the outcome of a set of complex indicated “other”, in the case of Lae and Port factors. [...] Urban migration is a result of the absence of Safer place to live: Yet others migrate to escape income-earning opportunities in rural areas. [...] migrating to urban centres Moreover, there is a lack of access to basic services In order to reduce the flow of people migrating such as access to the food market, school, and from rural to urban areas, the following should be health services. [...] • Review and adjust the minimum wages so About the Author that there is reasonable salaries between the Dr Philip Kavan is a Senior Research Fellow in the urban and rural minimum wages. [...] These will facilitate easy access Honours, and a Bachelor of Arts degree (Major in of goods, services, and people between rural Anthropology and Sociology) from the University and urban areas.
Published in
Papua New Guinea