Theft By Any Other Name: - Unsatisfactory Working Hours and Unpaid Overtime


Theft By Any Other Name: - Unsatisfactory Working Hours and Unpaid Overtime

16 Nov 2022

27 Go Home on Time Day 2022 3 Summary and Introduction This year marks the fourteenth annual Go Home on Time Day (GHOTD), an initiative of the Centre for Future Work at the Australia Institute that shines a spotlight on the maldistribution of working hours and the scale of unpaid overtime worked by Australians. [...] Go Home on Time Day 2022 4 The report summarises the results of that polling and places it in the context of national labour force and economic trends: • On average, respondents reported they performed 4.3 hours of unpaid work in the week of the survey, equivalent to 15% of total working hours. [...] The coexistence of underwork and overwork is a persistent irony in Australia and resolving the evident polarisation of working hours in the labour market will require a multitude of policy responses. [...] The differences in unpaid overtime are closely correlated to the form of employment most common in each of these occupations – managers and professionals are more likely to work in full time jobs which is where the incidence of unpaid overtime is highest. [...] Go Home on Time Day 2022 19 The ABS reports the total number of Australian employees working in each of the four main categories of waged employment and the median hourly earnings for each category of waged worker.


Bill Browne

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