Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe - Forging a digitally advanced future with deepened


Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe - Forging a digitally advanced future with deepened

23 Nov 2022

This is why tions: the example of the ITU and the UN the US, the EU, and other Western countries have A second vehicle for EU/US regulatory cooperation underlined, in many statements to the UN, their full in the digital sphere is to undertake common action support of the Budapest Convention. [...] UN Convention in order to call into question certain The first is the alliance between the EU and the US well-established principles, especially in the field of in the International Telecommunications Union. [...] the beginning of 2023, and the EU and the US, de- The US, in return, supported Tomas Lamanauskas, spite their divergences on some issues, seem intent the European candidate, for the post of the organi- on joining forces in the defence of human rights. [...] the example of the OECD Another example of cooperation in international A third vehicle of transatlantic cooperation could organisations is the common action of the EU and be the proclamation of soft law principles within the US to promote certain human rights values in certain important international institutions such the context of the ongoing negotiations over a UN as the OECD. [...] Authoritarian governments tend The work of the High-Level Expert Group on AI and to enhance security at the expense of other values the White Paper on AI published in February 2020 and surround only part of the population with pro- resulted in the presentation of the Artificial Intel- tection, whereas the democratic approach focuses ligence Act in April 2021 by the European Commis- on creating sim.
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