The development of these strategies will involve consideration of a number of factors, including the resources and timeframe available, the scope and scale of the change or progress needed, the existence of successful models or best practices, etc. [...] Identifying stakeholders who • To characterize a stakeholder’s influence or are committed to and invested in the achievement power to contribute towards the success of of the plan’s objectives, and those whose the CEP, consider their contribution potential: participation in and support of plan strategies and the resources they can provide towards the actions are key to their effectiveness, can ens. [...] Economic Local businesses However, even in cases where their interest in the development and business CEP remains low, successful implementation of the and permitting associations plan can be achieved through the development and deployment of strategies that align their objectives, and the efforts and investments they make towards Planning, Land and building achieving them, with those of the CEP. [...] The results of the exercise suggested that while there were benefits to an NGO taking on the role -- notably around lack of bureaucracy and the ability to move faster and advocate -- the sustainability office’s connections with the city and existing relationships made it the favoured option. [...] Coordinating matter expertise and experience should be capacity should be specced, scoped, and scaled appropriate to the sectors considered in the CEP according to the ambition of plan objectives and and the actors and sectors to be engaged.
- Pages
- 31
- Published in
- Canada