Populism and its Implications on the Economic Growth Model in Serbia: What have we Learned so far?


Populism and its Implications on the Economic Growth Model in Serbia: What have we Learned so far?

26 Nov 2022

How- ever, going through all the reforms and metamorphoses of the political system of Serbia, the individual is in the same way transformed from a citizen, aware of his political and civil rights, then to a member of the people (mass) in which all this is lost, disappears, have drowned in the concept of “Brotherhood and Unity” — the community of nations and unity of the working class, and finally,. [...] The first refers to the ef- fects of the discontinuity of the political order and the political system on the build- ing of political institutions, which resulted in the impossibility of developing a clear political identity, both of the individual and the state as a whole. [...] By analyzing the results of the priv- atization process and the attitude of the political elite towards the deregulation process, as one of the foundations of the overall transition (political and econom- 178 populizam_knjblk 23/11/2022 18:46 Page 179 M. [...] This resulted in slowing down and stopping the entire economy, further deterioration of the economic situation in the country, which on the one hand opened space for economic populism to flourish, and on the other hand, contributed to the growth of corruption and the creation of a new class in society, so-called tycoons. [...] Concluding remarks The transformations of the political and economic system of Serbia from the period of the introduction of parliamentarism at the end of the 19th century until today, on the one hand, really represent the specificity of one system that can hardly be com- pared to another that shared similar or the same experiences.
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