“It’s hard work being poor” - Women’s Experiences of the Cost-of-Living Crisis in Scotland


“It’s hard work being poor” - Women’s Experiences of the Cost-of-Living Crisis in Scotland

15 Nov 2022

children are fed; shopping around for Experiences of support and services during the cost-of-living crisis ✚ For many women in this research, the role of support they were entitled to or did not local organisations providing support and know where to go to get help to apply for advice is critical. [...] life and because it was a difficult and She had also further reduced spending time emotional chapter to read, you become with her children due to work, noting that “not apprehensive to turn the page for the seeing as much of the kids is a downside to taking next new chapter! At the same time, an extra job and extending my hours in main job you want to continue to read on and but needs must and the. [...] of high existing health inequalities, low-income Two-thirds of children in poverty in Scotland families have struggled to access mental live in working households.4 health support, gaps in education attainment increased, and social security payments were Reforms and cuts to the UK social security inadequate to meet families’ needs during the system in the last ten years, through the height of the. [...] A common coping strategy was to take on To varying degrees, all of the women were extra hours of employment in either an existing worried about their energy bills and had job or in multiple forms of work, a decision implemented measures in an attempt to that several of the women were forced to reduce energy costs. [...] Additionally, of the nine women, who spoke of the pressures and women that we spoke to aged 55+, several impacts to their mental health that this way spoke of the pressures that they faced to find of living has for them.
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United Kingdom
