Recommendations of - the Zero Emissions Mobility Consortium - HYDROGEN STATION HYDROGEN STATION

Recommendations of - the Zero Emissions Mobility Consortium - HYDROGEN STATION HYDROGEN STATION

30 Nov 2022

The To enhance the Members’ understanding and roadmap is a living policy, which is to be reviewed provide a basis for discussions, research was every 5 years, with the purpose of adapting targets conducted on the status of the transportation and policy measures in response to technology sector in Hong Kong. [...] and incentives for zero-emission transportation in To aid in the implementation of this roadmap, the global landscape were also studied as examples the Hong Kong government has promulgated a of policies that may be applicable in Hong Kong. [...] 13 Pathway to decarbonisation • To facilitate the trials and the transition in • In the transition, it is imperative to ensure terms of a regulatory framework, amendments that the commercial operations will generate should be made to current regulations on bus sufficient returns in the long term in order specifications, such as bus weight and length. [...] NOW 2030 2050 The following calculation adopted the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) price projection to In reviewing the profits of each bus operator, the underscore the current, medium term (year data shows that delaying or denying action on 2030), and long-term (year 2050) costs of both the decarbonising the transport sector will result in a decarbonisation and the “weak action” pathways. [...] Currently, however, without Given the scale of the potential investment and significant testing and development in Hong the complex policy execution and coordination Kong operating environment, neither of these requirements, Government — in consultation with technologies provide a Hong Kong-specific total industry stakeholders such as the Members — solution to deal with the city’s unique terrain,.

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