Training paths to improve health and .livelihoods for Myanmar pig farmers


Training paths to improve health and .livelihoods for Myanmar pig farmers

23 Nov 2022

This sought to semi-intensive farms in rural Townships B and C; raise awareness of AMR and the importance of and two intensive farms in the designated livestock good antimicrobial stewardship. [...] Researchers external to the training team interviewed and reflections on the benefits and limitations of the six VAV-only backyard farmers in Township A, the training were considered alongside preliminary and the eight semi-intensive farmers in Township veterinary and microbiological data. [...] The assumption was that the prac-tices and adaptations of one farmer are likely to be Experienced semi-intensive farmers in Township B perceived as more applicable to another in a similar tended to prefer the VAV approach in which they re- context than generic recommendations from outside ceived tailored advice from qualified veterinarians. [...] Nevertheless, observations from the FMWs and VAVs allowed farmers to reflect on their follow-up farm surveys and sampling may provide knowledge and practices developed through experi- additional tentative information to assist analysis of ence and interaction with others, as well as to ex- the training approaches. [...] investigated intensification in the production and supply of pig FMW-based approaches may be more effective in meat and how related factors, including socioeconomic building awareness and motivation to move away conditions for farmers and people’s understandings and from risky practices, such as using kitchen waste as practices, may be impacting the risks for human and animal pigfeed and surface w.
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United Kingdom