Briefing Note for the Competent Authorities (CA) implementing the EU Timber Regulation - EIA RELEASED REPORT ON ILLEGAL TIMBER FROM GABON AND

Briefing Note for the Competent Authorities (CA) implementing the EU Timber Regulation - EIA RELEASED REPORT ON ILLEGAL TIMBER FROM GABON AND

27 May 2019

Swedish CA provided updates on actions taken to enforce the EUTR (April 2019) The Swedish CA has informed the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) about the implementation of the EUTR, after being requested to do so. [...] ClientEarth release annual edition of their EUTR newsletter (April 2019) The latest edition of EUTR News covers the period March 2018 – March 2019, providing an update on activities of EU Member States and the European Commission regarding implementation and enforcement of the EU Timber Regulation, as well as broader work within the EU and internationally to address the issue of illegal logging. [...] The listing proposals and working documents on the agenda of CoP18 related to timber species include the listing of the species Pterocarpus tinctorius and Widdringtonia whytei, and the genus Cedrela, in CITES Appendix II, as well as changes to the annotations for rosewoods and palisanders (Dalbergia spp. [...] In the meantime, the CITES Secretariat and organisations including EIA and IUCN and TRAFFIC have published comments and positions/recommendations on the CITES listing proposals and working documents. [...] Additionally, the JIC discussed the delay, due to budget constraints, in the Liberian Government’s provision of the required land rental fee to the National Benefit Sharing Trust Board (NBSTB), and agreed that the development of a mechanism to facilitate budget disbursements was necessary.


Emily King

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