cover image: Drug-related health and security threats in the Western Balkans: Regional report


Drug-related health and security threats in the Western Balkans: Regional report

29 Nov 2022

The EMCDDA and the IPA7 project team express their gratitude to the heads of the national drug observatories and the IPA national correspondents in the concerned project partners, as well as the various national experts involved in the implementation of the IPA7 project activities between 2019 and 2022. [...] The impact of the drug market in the must be exercised in drawing conclusions from the Western Balkans and the role and effect of Western Balkan available data, and correspondingly attention has been criminal networks in the EU are then analysed. [...] Some of these Criminal networks from the Western Balkan region are networks appear to be involved in the whole supply chain seen to embrace the latest technology to improve the of the cocaine trade, from the coca fields of South America efficiency of drug production, trafficking and money to distribution on the streets of major European cities. [...] criminals from Albania and the former Yugoslavia was also reported (Holcová et al., 2019), while members of the Criminal networks from the Western Balkans appear to network known as the ‘Yugomafia’ acted as enforcers and have become active in the EU in the 1990s, due to war and drug traffickers in the Netherlands and Sweden (GI-TOC, instability in the region. [...] Using EU countries for transit and hiding The smuggling of weapons Some EU countries are located on trafficking routes that Europol notes that the criminal networks involved in pass through the Western Balkans before re-entering the weapons trafficking in the EU primarily originate from the 22 The role and impact of Western Balkan criminal networks on drug markets in the EU Western Balkans (5).


European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

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