cover image: for .. - . l telio gli


for .. - . l telio gli

3 Nov 2022

• Sorne corrective measures both within common policies (for example, the wider margin of fluctuation of the lira within the EMS), and in the form of ectual regional policies - the latter will be discussed in the following section - or of derogations to the strict application of eeneral rules, Yet, on the · whole, their effectiveness is extremely limited, and sectoriel end territorial distortions. [...] The emphasis given by this paper on the effects of European integration is due, however, to the growing importance of the international framework in the evolution of regional disequilibria •. [...] The objective of territorial adjustment is often integrated with the setting of specific priôrities concerning economic sectors, the sizes of finns, the use of inputs, the exposure to international trade,etc. [...] Thus he is ·often inclined to favour a deliberately discriminating Ùse of these alterations (principle of the "selectivity" of incentives) and stresses the importance of not dissipating the limited financial resourcès available with the introduction of indifferentiated measures for the entire region or for all activities (criierion of the "concentration" of intervention) (10). [...] 4, ConclUsiOns - Regional policy as an interna:ional issue In Italy, the effects of the EE6's extension on the development of the South are causing discussion and concern, It is the same kincl of problem, even if on a smaller scale, that the whole Southern section of the Community would face if the integration of the ' Mediterrâneân area were to be intensified.
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