The 8 80 Neighbourhood Diagnostic - A Common Vision Project in Whitecourt, AB


The 8 80 Neighbourhood Diagnostic - A Common Vision Project in Whitecourt, AB

16 Nov 2022

However, the town lacks an integrated approach in the public realm to connect all the Over the course of two study sessions that took place in dots and does not capitalize on the full range of assets at the summer and winter of 2021, a series of spatial audits, the town’s fingertips. [...] offers a high level of amenity within the 15-minute radius of the area 3 ACTIVITY IN PUBLIC SPACE DIFFERS BY AGE AND TIME OF DAY The use of a public space by specific groups of people is heavily most activity in Rotary Park occurred within the park itself, a faction dependent on the age of the user, the time of day, and the season of people, specifically teenagers and young adults, were prone to o. [...] Over the course of the morning, users were observed along street corridors afternoon, and evening of the Saturday throughout the morning, noon, and evening and Monday travel count sessions in both of both Saturday and Monday during the summer and winter studies, a total of 11 summer, mobility aid users were only mobility aid users were recorded on the reported using streets during the mornings str. [...] The area hosts several big- the South, 52nd Street to the East, Athabasca River to the box commercial stores, a series of nearby walking trails, and is a north, and 47th Street to the west, and incorporated the connection point to Rotary Park and the main thoroughfare of areas consisting of Whitecourt’s downtown core and the Highway 43 that leads out of town. [...] felt about a space in relation to the quality of amenities The survey asked a series of questions relating to how safe the space offered, the levels of safety and accessibility the or comfortable the street made residents feel, and asked space provided, and the overall comfort and atmosphere residents to respond with ideas on what could make the of the space.
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