WP T3  D.T3.2.1  - Transnational pilot – Work plan / Roadmap. ICT Version 1


WP T3 D.T3.2.1 - Transnational pilot – Work plan / Roadmap. ICT Version 1

13 Dec 2022

The main aim of this pilot work plan is to define collective actions to implement the potentials for value chain innovation processes identified during the value chain analysis of ICT and electronics carried out within the project. [...] The results of the pilots will be monitored and evaluated with respect to both the value chain innova- tion approach as a triple-helix process for improving regional innovation ecosystems and the models and instruments. [...] The aim of the pilot activity is to determine how to efficiently use the in favor aspects described in the analysis (namely, well-educated workforce with relatively lower costs) to mitigate the deficien- cies of the national surroundings (namely, need to differentiate the products). [...] In a sentence, the aim is to improve the value chain of the ICT sector by service product and service enhancement, or specifically defined as product differentiation, developed mutually according to the needs of our pilot partners. [...] ▪ IGA members will be included in the evaluation of the ideas and the preparation of the hacka- thon event.



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Title in English
WP T3 D.T3.2.1 - Transnational pilot — Work plan/Roadmap. ICT Version 1 [from PDF fonts]
