211019_HR Key Principles FINAL


211019_HR Key Principles FINAL

20 Oct 2021

particular model in their own life and the importance of the right of a service user to While evidence for the effectiveness of choose their own model for understanding Harm Reduction exists, and a growing and managing their drug and alcohol use. [...] iterative and evolving framework for the improvement of Harm Reduction-based drug Departing from an early model, the Key and alcohol use related support: Principles have shaped the development of the HR4Homelessness Training and Multiplier Open | The Key Principles acknowledge the Events, and, in return, have been influenced diversity of typologies of homeless services, and enriched by the experie. [...] low-key setting and to communicate regularly with the users of a service about • To collaboratively define a professional and how their input has been implemented into personal development plan building upon the development of programmes and the skills and experience of the person with policies. [...] • To support and facilitate access to sexually transmitted and blood-borne infection • To ensure that users of the service have an testing, treatment and care and to foster individual safe plan related to their and support community-led and substance use. [...] Session 5 | Drug Use & Homelessness: Intersectional Frameworks The session introduces participants to the design strategies and activities with the concept of intersectionality, a lens through capacity to address the multiple and which to analyse and understand social interrelated experiences of exclusion, inequality.


Roberto Perez Gayo

Published in
