Minutes of the Meeting of the Commission in December 2022.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Commission in December 2022.

10 Jan 2023

Key forthcoming commitments were highlighted, including the evidence session with the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee at the Scottish Parliament on 6 December and the Communications and Engagement plan for International Human Rights day. [...] The proposed Terms of Reference were discussed and it was agreed that they should be reviewed and formally signed off at the first meeting. [...] It was agreed that the minutes of ARC should be published and this should be reflected in the Terms of Reference. [...] ELD joined the meeting and introduced a draft report to be submitted to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in advance of the List of Issues session for the UK, taking place in March 2023. [...] The structure of the report and the evidence on which it was based was explained.



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United Kingdom