Atlantic Council - Securing Alternative - Gas Supplies and Addressing Critical Infrastructure Gaps


Atlantic Council - Securing Alternative - Gas Supplies and Addressing Critical Infrastructure Gaps

10 Jan 2023

increased East Coast capacity can limit the impact of hurri- cane-related disruptions and bring gas from the country’s Norway has stepped in to provide record volumes of gas, cheapest and highest-volume producing Utica and Marcel- and will be the European Union’s number one supplier of lus shale patches more easily to the Atlantic. [...] AZERI AND CASPIAN GAS EUROPEAN COUNTRIES In July 2022, the European Commission signed a historic MoU with Azerbaijan to double the volume of natural gas Europe will continue to rely on natural gas imports for exported along the Southern Gas Corridor. [...] The country fast-tracked up to six FSRUs firms own most of Moldova’s critical energy infrastructure and has access to the Netherlands’ newly leased LNG ter- and the country relies on a Russian gas-fired power plant minals to replace cheap and plentiful Russian imports, in the Moscow-controlled separatist entity of Transnistria. [...] could enhance Irish energy security and free more gas to flow to the continent from Britain.81 Albania and Kosovo are exploring cooperation on the Vlora LNG terminal and interconnecting the FSRU with the South- THE ROLE OF STORAGE IN EUROPEAN GAS ern Gas Corridor network, which would require new pipe- MARKET FLEXIBILITY lines, technical upgrades, and cooperation with the Azeri government. [...] The severity of the crisis for the tional Education, a trustee of the Kosovo-America Educa- next five to ten years will depend on the actions Europe tional Foundation, and a trustee of the Eurasia Foundation.
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United States of America