Powering Science-based innovation: Exploring the need and role of a

Powering Science-based innovation: Exploring the need and role of a

16 Jan 2023

¬¬X PAGE TITLE HERE Powering Science-based innovation: Exploring the need and role of a Network of Innovation Centres in the UK and Ireland ERC Report January 2023 1 Powering Science-based innovation: Exploring the need and role of a Network of Innovation Centres in the UK and Ireland This report was prepared for the Institute of Physics by the Enterprise Research Centre. [...] Sometimes the innovation centres form an integral part of a larger project of the science park type’.2 This definition suggests both the wide range of services and support which may be provided by an Innovation Centre (IC), the potential diversity of the client base of an IC, and the importance of the position of any IC within associated ecosystems and networks. [...] 15 2.2.3 Comparing Innovation Centres and business needs How does the regional distribution of Innovation Centre capacity compare to the distribution of physics firms and their need for facilities? Table 2.4 compares the distribution of high intensity physics firms, in order of the regions with the greatest proportion of these firms, compared to the total number and ranking of innovation centres. [...] The directory provides overview of the research, development and innovation supports available to companies provided by State bodies, and an overview of the Higher Education Institutions, industry- focussed Centres, Gateways and other research centres of scale that are supported by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE) and the Department of Further and Higher Education, Researc. [...] A number of issues were raised in the research in terms of business support and ‘spinning out’ a company from a university: ● Over-valuing of the original IP by the university; ● A failure by universities to recognise that the success of a start-up comes after the generation of the idea, when the work of successfully taking a product to market has been done - a skill universities were universally.



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