cover image: All Azimuth V12, N1, 2023, 19-44


All Azimuth V12, N1, 2023, 19-44

23 Jan 2023

We have strong and widely accepted comments from prominent figures of the discipline that reveal different dimensions of the issue.1 The discussion on the division of Western and non-Western Theory is a candidate to be the new theoretical divergence point of IR.2 In order to examine the hierarchical character of the discipline between core and periphery, behavioral measures such as the geographica. [...] This reasoning is important for our research, as we also aim to explore perspectives on the position of postmodern, postcolonial, and critical theories with origins in the vast literature of Eurocentrism because one of the contested issues in the non- Western IR Theory literature is the contribution of these critical theories to the construction of non-Western theories.16 Calls for the need to glo. [...] It can be expected that the role of non-Western actors in the production of knowledge and theory will rise in line with the processes increasing their share in the construction of ontological reality that was once monopolized by mainstream IR Theory.24 One of the important arguments of the non-Western Theory debate is that Western dominance in the discipline bears on the power relations in interna. [...] In that triple division, theories of Asian origin correspond to the local theorizing efforts of Asian countries such as China, India, Japan, and Korea,31 the theories of African-Latin American origin refer to the equivalent of the same such efforts in Africa and Latin America, and theories originating from the Turkish-Islamic tradition of thought are used in reference to the philosophical concepts. [...] The respondents were asked a total of 47 questions, grouped under the headings of participant demographics, the importance of IR Theory for the discipline, its status in teaching and literature, the degree of academic and professional success in IR Theory courses, their interaction with other IR courses, and the participants’ approach to non-Western IR theories.
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