cover image: The Radical Progressive University Guide  Dr. Richard Norrie


The Radical Progressive University Guide Dr. Richard Norrie

15 Jan 2023

Since most Jews are white, the question for them will be, what has changed? While there is no parallel in terms of the severity of treatment of Jews in the past, there is similarity in terms of the ideas at play. [...] This is a statistical method of analysis that looks for patterns of association between a set of variables, to assess the extent to which they measure the same underlying ‘latent variable’, also known as a ‘factor’.48 It allows you to take many variables and reduce them to fewer variables based on their patterns of inter- correlation. [...] To reiterate, all these examples entail some degree of connection with the Communist Party of China and the Chinese state that oppresses its own people, threatens its neighbours, practices forced labour, and seeks to destroy the way of life of ethnic and religious minorities. [...] According to Noah Carl, around half of the British public support parties of the right, compared to less than 12 per cent of academics.71 One fifth of academics voted to leave the EU, compared to 51.9 per cent of the electorate. [...] The factor loadings in the table above represent the degree of correlation between the observed variable and the factor or ‘latent variable’.


Richard Norrie

Published in
United Kingdom